The 2022 Jurivision Year in Review  

An overview of the 2022 Jurivision year

The past year has been a rich one for the Jurivision team and all of its valued contributors. In this post, we review some of the highlights of the past twelve months. This second year of the Jurivision experience has seen the publication of nearly thirty visual posts and three visual courses. These visual publications have been consulted by more than 20,000 Internet users around the world over the past twelve months.

Our visual posts have addressed a variety of legal topics such as carbon pricing, war crimes, the study of indigenous legal orders, cross-border telework, racial profiling or occupational health and safety standards. In addition, two visual courses were launched this year with the release of the French version of an open access course to better understand the legislative and regulatory system in Canada and the launch of the online course on children’s participation in child welfare proceedings. Visual courses are open online courses that use audio-visual technology as the primary means of disseminating knowledge. These courses allow professionals, educators or students to perfect their legal knowledge in an innovative multimedia and pedagogical framework. Jurivision also collaborated in the official launch of the video game Reset 2047, which offers a fun introduction to video game law.

Once again this year, law students produced their own knowledge mobilization videos as part of the experimental course on visual advocacy, law and film. Their audiovisual productions address current legal issues such as the metaverse, the conflict between freedom of expression and the right to dignity, or the presence and realities of women in the legal profession.

Jurivision has also continued its collaboration with numerous partners from the academic community or the practice of law, resulting in the publication of a visual academic article with the Revue générale de droit de l’Université d’Ottawa, various podcasts on legal practice issues and a series of vignettes on diversity issues in legal research.

The year 2023 promises to be rich in projects of all kinds as the Jurivision team, with its many collaborators, continues to experiment with different visual legal advocacy techniques to disseminate legal knowledge in an original and dynamic way.  

You have an idea for a visual publication for 2023? Contact the Jurivision team to discuss it.

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