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06-06-22 | Student Projects, Technology

The Metaverse: The legal world of tomorrow

Are law firms ready to adapt to the era of the metaverse? Two legal experts explain the nature of this virtual universe and what it may mean for the future of the practice of law.

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05-19-21 | Access to Justice, Criminal Law, Student Projects

Sexual assault crimes. A system that protects the accused?

Low reporting and conviction rates for sexual assault crimes are a very important issue in Canada today. In this video, Professor Quaid provides an overview of the key challenges in the Canadian criminal justice system, and discusses the benefits of implementing a specialized court for victims.

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05-19-21 | Access to Justice, COVID-19, Family Law, Student Projects

Silenced by the pandemic: The impact of COVID-19 on domestic violence

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted our daily lives and has had a significant impact on the justice system and its institutions. Unprecedented measures have confined us to our homes in order to fight an invisible threat. However, this new reality has exacerbated many issues, including domestic violence.

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05-19-21 | Constitutional Law, International, Student Projects

Chile: A Constitutional Laboratory

In response to the mass protests in Chile in October 2019 and the major socio-economic implications of the neo-liberal-inspired constitution instituted during the Pinochet era, Chile and its citizens have set themselves the social project of initiating a process towards a profound constitutional reform. Law students bring to light the involvement of Canadian legal scholars in the constitutional discussions currently taking place in Chile. A new constitution is expected to be adopted in 2022.

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