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06-12-23 | Civil Law, Interdisciplinarity, Law Teaching Methodology, Research Experience

Multidisciplinary Observatory on the Future of Private Law

Since its creation in 2022, the MOFPL has rallied over 70 members from a wide variety of backgrounds, active in Quebec and Canada as well as abroad. Since its official launch in 2022, it is proud to have developed a diversified scientific program at the University of Ottawa’s Civil Law Section, and to have been involved in national and international research networks.

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03-21-23 | Interdisciplinarity, Public Law, Training

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Rouleau Commission Report

On March 29, nine research centres and institutes at the University of Ottawa will co-host a one-day conference on the Rouleau Commission Report. Bringing together leading experts from the University of Ottawa in the fields of law, politics, public administration, economics, criminology, sociology, communications, technology and health, the Conference aims to contribute to the public conversation about the convoy, the declaration of emergency, and the robustness of Canada’s constitutional democracy.

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03-06-23 | Access to Justice, Interdisciplinarity, Law Teaching Methodology

Research that champions the rights of marginalized people

After a year and a half of operation, the Clinique interdisciplinaire en droit social de l’Outaouais (CIDSO) is already well established in the Gatineau community. Since the beginning of its activities, the CIDSO has been mobilizing research knowledge to respond to the real needs of people living in or at risk of homelessness. In this post, discover the interdisciplinary approach behind this social justice initiative whose mission is to propose concrete, global and coherent solutions to people living on the margins of society in the exercise of their rights.

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06-11-21 | Health Law, Human Rights, Interdisciplinarity

Informed consent in healthcare

Audrey Ferron Parayre, Assistant Professor in the University of Ottawa’s Civil Law Section, is interested in how clinical practices in healthcare relate to the legal standards in place to protect doctors and patients. In this video, she discusses her research on how information is shared between caregivers and patients, exploring what is actually happening in practice. What do doctors tell patients? What do patients understand? And who makes the final decisions?

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