A successful launch for Jurivision

Jurivision was launched during a live webcast. You can watch this broadcast again in the video above.

With the launch of Jurivision, the Civil Law Section of the Faculty of Law of the University of Ottawa moves from the analog era to the digital era, innovating with an ambitious audiovisual project that will not only benefit academics and the legal community, but the general public as well.

“Jurivision is driven by ideas, by curiosity and by the conviction that the rich legal knowledge that is within our public institutions must be communicated, must be known”, says Étienne Trépanier, Visiting lawyer-filmmaker and Special Advisor in Visual Legal Advocacy in the Faculty of Civil Law.

“The aim is to share our knowledge with a wider public by having staff, students, and collaborators within the Faculty embrace audiovisual production to create engaging content that showcases the best of the legal profession.”

Jurivision.ca, created at the University of Ottawa in collaboration with the Department of Justice Canada, transports decisions, arguments and more from textbooks and articles to the screen through short videos that will include explanatory text, related publication links from trade journals and other web sources, and a spotlight on the university’s brightest legal minds.

Stay tuned for new content in the coming weeks!

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