The ubiquitous presence of artificial intelligence in all aspects of social life is undeniable. Tools such as conversational robots like Chat GPT, recruitment software, facial recognition, and medical diagnosis aids are being deployed in every sector of activity. However, their use carries risks of errors, bias, discrimination, invisibility, and exclusion. Therefore, the law must adapt to these new ethical and socio-economic challenges.
To address this situation, a group of researchers from different countries will gather at an international symposium on May 24 and 25. The aim of this gathering is to structure the emerging field of research that is the law of artificial intelligence. Participants will analyze various legislative initiatives under construction, including in Europe and Canada, as well as in Brazil, Mexico, and Senegal.
This meeting is organized on the occasion of the release of the book “Droit de l’intelligence artificielle: entre règles sectorielles et régime général. Perspectives de droit comparé,” published by Bruylant. The book brings together forty authors from different parts of the world, providing an overview of legislative advances and ongoing reflections on the subject.
The symposium is organized by the Global Responsible AI Research Chair in collaboration with OBVIA, as part of the summer course “Droit de l’intelligence artificielle” (36 hours, 3 credits) at the Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section, at the University of Ottawa.