What is a Statute? 

Laws prescribe the framework for life in society and crystallize requirements, prohibitions, powers or rights in a text. They are created by the legislative action of the Parliament of Canada or the provincial and territorial legislatures. The word “legislator” is the name commonly given to the person who has the power to make or amend laws. Legislative drafters Aleksander Hynnä, and Alexandra Schorah talk about the concept of law, the process of adopting laws in the Parliament of Canada and the concept of delegated legislation (regulations). 

The table below shows the different forms of laws that can be enacted. It is important to distinguish between public and private Acts. It is also important to understand the difference between a new law and an amending one. 


In the following subsections, you will learn more about the role of laws, who has the power to adopt laws in Canada, and the difference between a new law and an amending law.  
