
Democracy is a political system. Canada is a democratic country where all citizens have the right to participate, in some way, in decisions that affect them. Canadian citizens elect a person to represent them in the Parliament of Canada or in one of the provincial or territorial legislatures. This is called a representative democracy. Professor John Mark Keyes explains how this principle of democracy is manifested in Canada, and how it is implemented to ensure more effective representation of society at large in democratic institutions. 

The Canadian Political System at the Federal Level 

Canada is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system of British origin. Its Constitution stipulates three branches of power: the legislative, executive and judicial. These three branches operate independently, but interact with each other in various contexts, including the legislative process. 

The interactive illustration below highlights the interaction of these three powers within the Canadian federal political system. 


The Canadian Political System at the Provincial Level 

The interactive illustration below highlights the interaction of these three powers within the political system at the provincial level in Canada. 

